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Cadastre parcelles 2020
Données et ressources
Info additionnelle
Champ | Valeur |
Source | |
Dernière modification | juin 26, 2023, 11:51 (TU) |
Créé le | juin 26, 2023, 09:12 (TU) |
LinkedDataSet | false |
Picto | d4c- |
data_rgpd | 0 |
date_dataset | |
date_moissonnage_last_modification | 2023-06-26T09:13:02.450954 |
default_visu | 0 |
disable_fields_empty | 1 |
display_versionning | 0 |
donnees_source | |
dont_visualize_tab | |
edition_security | {"roles":["administrator"],"users":["*116*","*1*","*119*"]} |
features | timeserie,calendar,geo,api,analyze,table |
frequence | |
mention_legales | |
nb_views | 00000009 |
producer | |
records_count | 0000000006 |
themes | ["amenagement_et_urbanisme"] |
tooltip | {"type":"html","value":"<div id=\"infobulle\" class=\"tooltipcustom\">\r\n <h4>{{}}<\/h4>\r\n\t<p>Date de création : {{record.fields.created | date:'shortDate'}}<\/p>\r\n\t<table class=\"table\">\r\n\t\t<thead><tr><th>Commune<\/th><th>Préfixe<\/th><th>Section<\/th><th>Numéro<\/th><\/tr><\/thead>\r\n\t\t<tbody><tr><td>{{record.fields.commune}}<\/td><td>{{record.fields.prefixe}}<\/td><td>{{record.fields.section}}<\/td><td>{{record.fields.numero}}<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody>\r\n\t<\/table>\r\n<\/div>"} |